Hi Thorsten,

On 10/02/2022 17.55, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
Sole users (i.e. without contributing anything to the community) are
to my mind never part of a FLOSS project community.

Just to mention it, the KDE Code of Conduct [1] contains this:

Our community is made up of several groups of individuals and
organizations which can roughly be divided into two groups:

* Contributors, or those who add value to the project through
  improving KDE software and its services
* Users, or those who add value to the project through their
  support as consumers of KDE software

and I remember that the importance of users was emphasized at some in-person event I attended (probably Akademy) as well.

Of course, one could try to make a distinction between users that contribute something back and those who do not, but I don't know whether that would be particularly helpful, or even easy. (E.g. is a user that only uses the software for themselves not part of the community, but one who recommends it to others is, because they "spread the word"? - And maybe one of those starts getting active in some "official" area in the LibreOffice project, or migrates their company from a proprietary office suite to an LTS version from an ecosystem company,...)

Best regards,

[1] https://kde.org/code-of-conduct/

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