Hi Andras,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 08/02/2022 18:58:

The best person that can teach you how to fish is an experienced

My example would be fruit grower and fruit picker (after all, the apple came before the fisherman ;) ) but apart from that:

but it wouldn't improve the situation, if - like today - the experienced
fisherman / fishermen take every new talented fisher immediately from
the free software developer (volunteer) market.

Could be. After all it is one of the ideas behind for example GSoC.
On the other hand, in case it works out like that, it is good news on two fronts: apparently the commercial ecosystem party has enough income to hire someone extra; and also there still will be budget for us to hire mentors. We also know that developers from commercial ecosystem parties are involved in getting mentors up to speed. So the whole picture does not have to look that bad, I think.

So spending that are intended to further grow the possibility of (relative new) developers to contribute (by mentoring, tooling, events), are a strong impulse to grow that side of the developer community and enabling more working people to help with code they think is useful.

Thus there is now chance for a divers market with a lot of small and
local businesses around the LibreOffice project. Thus the (business)

I remember we discussed possibilities in the past, that would enable relative independent new developers to get funded for work on LibreOffice. I think that is a good idea to grow the commercial ecosystem.

user of LibreOffice will not get the opportunity to choose between
different service provider.

Compared to various other open source projects, TDF/LibreOffice isn't doing that bad. On the other hand, we can't blame projects for how they work as long as people are free to study, change, share, fork, ..

If this situation will not change immediately the LibreOffice
certification program will not give a competitive edge.

I love TDF for its work: being the place where all stakeholders meet and try to bring the best in the shared projects. Then with my experience in a broad variety of commercial, volunteer and public entities, I'm far from convinced that it leads to anything good when a foundation tries to bend the forces that drive a commercial market.


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