
Thanks for your calm reflections, Michael.

On Tue, Jun 7, 2022 at 3:30 PM Michael Weghorn <m.wegh...@posteo.de> wrote:

> Looking at the diff between the 2 proposals: While there seem to be
> different approaches in some bigger questions (like management, tasks of
> developers), some seem to be more of a cosmetic nature.
> Without knowing how the process works exactly:
> While I don't really expect that there will be a consensus in all
> aspects, I'm wondering whether trying to minimize the diff between the
> proposals before doing a vote would be reasonable, so there's consensus
> in as many aspects as possible.

Just to amplify this, I have been trying to contribute to this activity but
having two (complicated) documents makes it hard to make contributions.
Kendy made a merged version and shared it with us all and it would be
really good if contributors could stick with improving that one and getting
it to a state where there's maximum consensus between the directors (and
hopefully the rest of us who are contributing but obviously Board agreement
needs to be the priority. It's really a waste of time to cherry-pick and
update a legacy document instead of the one multiple people have been
working on.


*Simon Phipps*
*TDF Trustee*

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