Hi all,

On 08/06/2022 00:57, Cor Nouws wrote:
Hi Paolo,

Paolo Vecchi wrote on 08/06/2022 00:31:

On 07/06/2022 21:40, Simon Phipps wrote:
Kendy made a merged version and shared it with us all...

No, once again he took my document and copy/pasted bits of Michael Meeks proposal on it to completely change the logic of the proposal.

I assume if the 'logic changed', that is to reflect contributions in the discussion that were not added in your file.

That is a copy/paste from a text the general manager of a commercial contributor sent the 23/05, his employee and member of the board copied the 25/06 on a document he called a merge and the same general manager practically imposed to the ESC part of his project.

The way the proposal wants to manage "suggestions" for tendering, the focus on mentoring and control of TDF's employee have been already described as very bad ideas.

That proposal doesn't really fit with the budget planned, senior

I think there is room to look to the budget for next year again, if needed.

As this is, as agreed, a strategic project that has been taken out of the budget planning that we have done not long ago then we are still on time to review this budget.

developers mostly focused on mentoring are very difficult to find and very expensive, and anyone with basic HR skills would never let employees be managed by a committee in which third party companies have can have so much influence as seen in recent minutes.

This is unhelpful framing. Influence is (apart from statutory limitations to participation from entities) from participating, which is done in the best traditions of open source development, which in the case of LibreOffice is broadened deliberately - I was at the discussion - to more than 'just' coding.

We should check with an employment laws expert if they consider if "unhelpful framing".

The "legacy document" has actual contributions from many people of the community and TDf's team, the document on which Kendy pasted some text has only contributions from Michael Meeks and you

Kendy made efforts to include comments and ideas from all sides. Very useful to come to a proposal with the broadest possible support respecting as much ideas as possible.

Kendy replaced text to reflect the ideas of a commercial contributor not to include comments.




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