Hi Andreas, *,

Andreas Mantke wrote:
> I don't see the necessary respect for the work of every individual
> in the LibreOffice community and all talents. It looks like if the
> developers think they are the only important part in the community.
TDF has been celebrating & acknowledging the work of all volunteers,
if not since day one, then at least when we started to have dedicated
marketing staff. I'm personally very grateful to each and everyone,
contributing their time, energy, commitment & personal resources to
our projects.

I therefore find your statement needlessly divisive, at a time when
instead we should work towards more unity. It is also not constructive
- e.g. if you would have written 'the email from developer XY made me
think they consider themselves the only important part in the
community', we could have asked that person to clarify.

As it stands, it blames a large group of community members of
something that is likely not true (e.g. I myself don't believe only
developers are important).

The quoted excerpt is thus not the way we want to communicate here, so
let's please try to do better next time.


-- Thorsten

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