The regression tests (version 3) are running, and it may be a while before they are done. In the meantime, the results of preprocessing the file give more details of the error:

cc-1108 CC: ERROR File = /mnt/vracs001/home9/users/patrick/src/Boost/boost-1.30.0-cvs/boost/type_traits/is_base_and_derived.hpp, Line = 106
The indicated expression must have pointer-to-function type.

static const bool value = sizeof(bd_helper<B,D> ::check(Host(), 0)) == sizeof(type_traits::yes_type);

The code in question comes from the following:

template <typename B, typename D>
struct bd_helper
    template <typename T>
    static type_traits::yes_type check(D const volatile *, T);
    static type_traits::no_type  check(B const volatile *, int);

template<typename B, typename D>
struct is_base_and_derived_impl2
    struct Host
        operator B const volatile *() const;
        operator D const volatile *();

static const bool value = sizeof(bd_helper<B,D> ::check(Host(), 0)) == sizeof(type_traits::yes_type);


This looks okay to me (though I am not familiar with the Boost internals), but I think I have seen a similar error with this compiler. A cast might have been necessary to coerce the compiler into dealing with the code, but I'm guessing that is not appropriate in this case.


David Abrahams wrote:
Patrick Hartling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Is there a recommended procedure I can follow for tracking this down
and submitting a patch?

I would start by preprocessing the file to see what's going on behind
that macro, then tweaking it until it works.

For example, I was considering running the regression tests for the
MIPSpro Compilers.  Would that be helpful,

Very much so

or is someone on the Boost team on top of this already?

Not that I know of.

-- Patrick L. Hartling | Research Assistant, VRAC [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 2624 Howe Hall: 1.515.294.4916 |

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