Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve wrote:
> This requires active participation by the developers. We've spent a 
> lot of time setting up the auto-builds to enable developers to see 
> immediately when their changes break portability. We've also made a 
> major effort cleaning up 1.29.0. That seemed like a good start to me, 
> but it didn't work out for lack of participation from the developer's
> side. So now I am stuck with messages like the one posted before:
> cc-3192 CC: ERROR File = zzstrip.cpp, Line = 71667
>   The nontype "boost::mpl::fold_backward<T1, T2, T3,
> boost::mpl::arg<1>>::rebind"
>           is not a class template.
>       static const int arity = 3; typedef Sequence arg1; 
> typedef State arg2;
> typedef BackwardOp arg3;   struct rebind; }; template< 
> typename T1,typename
> T2,typename T3 > struct fold_backward<T1,T2,T3> ::rebind { 
> template< typename
> U1,typename U2,typename U3 > struct apply : fold_backward< 
> U1,U2,U3 > { };
>                                            ^
> If one of the developers could at least comment on this I might give it
> another try. Otherwise I estimate it would take me weeks to 
> reverse-engineer what is happening here.

Ralf, I will definitely look into it tonight and get back to you.

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