The Command Line & Config library by Vladimir Prus has been accepted 
into Boost, pending the incorporation of suggestions brought up in 
the review. 

Thanks to everyone for all their comments, and to Vladimir for being
open and responsive to them!

There've been a fair amount of suggested changes, many of which are 
documented on Wiki [1], and since the author himself keeps track of 
the issues, I won't reiterate them here - except for stressing the 
need for

a) extensively reworked and extended documentation, and
b) resolving the 'wchar_t' support issue before the library makes into 
   official Boost distribution.

Also, as acting on the review comments should result in large number of
interface and design changes, I suggest that after incorporating them 
in the library and before the public release the author posts a note 
to the list so that the interested parties have a chance to comment on 
the final version.

Once again, thanks to the author and all the reviewers.

Aleksey Gurtovoy
Command Line & Config Review Manager

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