Aleksey Gurtovoy wrote:
> The Command Line & Config library by Vladimir Prus has been accepted
> into Boost, pending the incorporation of suggestions brought up in
> the review.

These are good news!

I would like to thank all the reviewers. Being the library submitter is quite 
different from watching other reviews --- in particular, I was quite 
impressed with the number of good suggestions, and I think that the library 
will benefit greatly when they all are addressed.

> There've been a fair amount of suggested changes, many of which are
> documented on Wiki [1], and since the author himself keeps track of
> the issues, I won't reiterate them here - except for stressing the
> need for
> a) extensively reworked and extended documentation, and

Completely agree.

> b) resolving the 'wchar_t' support issue before the library makes into
>    official Boost distribution.

I'm actually not that happy about solving general issue alone... but let it 
be. I assume I've not asked to implement any specific approach, and can 
decide myself?

> Also, as acting on the review comments should result in large number of
> interface and design changes, I suggest that after incorporating them
> in the library and before the public release the author posts a note
> to the list so that the interested parties have a chance to comment on
> the final version.

That's my plan, actually. I think I'll look though all my notes and emails 
once again, and will either post a list of all planned changes to Wiki,
or enter them into a publicly-available issue tracker, so that interested
parties can add more opinions. As those issues are addressed, I'll inform the 

Thanks for all the comments, and to Aleksey for managing the review!

- Volodya

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