On Fri, 3 Jan 2003, Dan Sugalski wrote:

> One of the nice things about keeping your mail on the server and going
> with IMAP--at least changing clients is reasonably simple, though
> there's still that pesky address book & filter issue.

Hence the joy of [b] procmail & friends (which keeps your filters working
on any client & on any computer) and [a] the local LDAP based address book
database (which keeps your contact data organized for any mail client on
your computer ...as long as it's Mail.app...).

Being able to move [a] there up to the servers (along with some other
things), as they do with .Mac, would be a very nice development. Most of
what .Mac does seems to be clever extensions of existing protocols, e.g.
webdav, xml-rpc, the ical & vcal data formats, etc. People already seem to
be reverse-engineering what .Mac does --


-- and sooner or later, provided that Apple doesn't decide to take legal
action (seems like this is all kosher & not against their eulas, but it's
not like they've never sued someone for spurious reasons before...) I'm
hoping we'll see workalikes for this stuff before too long. Being able to
complement your mail setup with some kind of open source Apache / webdav /
ldap network storage of contact & calendar data would be cool...

Anyway, just to wrap up my contribute to the OSX stuff thread, I can't
believe I forgot Mark Liyanage's site: www.entropy.ch. Before I found out
about Fink, I was using his very good packages for different Unix apps
(Pine, Vim, MySQL & PostgreSQL, etc.). It's not as necessary to use his
versions for these things now, but the site is still pretty good. As an
intro, check out his recommended software & configuration page:


Good stuff - same things this thread has nominally been about...

Chris Devers    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

adjective, n.
(esp. DP usage) any noun.

    -- from _The Computer Contradictionary_, Stan Kelly-Bootle, 1995
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