On Thu, 2 Jan 2003, Drew Taylor wrote:

> At 11:28 AM 1/2/03 -0500, Ron Newman wrote:
> >On Thursday, January 2, 2003, at 11:10  AM, Drew Taylor wrote:
> >>
> >>1. Are there any local Mac mailing lists? I'm subscribed to
> >>[EMAIL PROTECTED] already.
> >
> >You'll want to get on the announcement list for the
> >Boston Mac Users' Group, bmac.org .  Here's the annoncement
> >for next week's meeting:
> Excellent! Thanks a ton for this link. I've subscribed to most of the
> mailing lists now to get a feel for things. I will also be attending the
> meeting on the 8th, so even more thanks!

I've been on their list for maybe a year now, and it's <fudd>vewwwwy
vewwwwwy qwiet...</fudd>. Plus, for some reason, most of their meetings
seem to fall on the same night as Boston.pm meetings -- meaning that I
haven't yet been to one of theirs. Seems like they always have toys to
give out to attendees though (software, sometimes hardware), so it might
be fun to attend. The 8th, huh? Hmmm....

Chris Devers    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

prompt, n.
1 A delayed message from the system demanding an immediate response
  from the user.
2 UNIX a symbol on the screen indicating which SHELL is attacking you.

    -- from _The Computer Contradictionary_, Stan Kelly-Bootle, 1995
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