On Wed, Jul 14, 2004 at 10:13:13AM -0500, Alex Brelsfoard wrote:
> I hate to bug you all with a perl question like this seeing as I am new to
> the group.  But I'm getting kinda stuck on this one.  I am simply trying
> to read in an external html file (to be used as the header of a web page)
> and then print it out.  That sounds nice and easy.  However, the header
> file contains SSI, and not just an include, and sets and echos.  I've been
> trying to get CGI::SSI to work, but, near as I can tell, it's not
> understanding the set commands or the if/else commands in SSI.  Do you
> guys have any suggestions on this one?  I KNOW there has to be a way....

According to the CGI::SSI docs it does understand the echo and if/else control
structures so something must be wrong. More information and sample data is
probably in order.

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