> On Wed, 14 Jul 2004, Alex Brelsfoard wrote:
>> I've been trying to get CGI::SSI to work, but, near as I can tell,
>> it's not understanding the set commands or the if/else commands in
>> SSI.  Do you guys have any suggestions on this one?  I KNOW there has
>> to be a way....
> I know this isn't the answer you were looking for, but have you
> considered the possibility of re-writing this in a proper template
> language rather than trying to meld CGI and SSI?
> You're trying to do something reasonably sophisticated, and glueing
> together CGI & SSI seems like a messy way to do something that would
> be dirt easy with HTML::Template, Template Toolkit, or Mason.
> Are you really bound to this approach, or would an alternative be an
> option? I think in the long run you'll have a much easier time with this
> if you could go about the problem in a different way.
> --
> Chris Devers

Saddly, yes I am committed to having to use SSI.  I have used
HTML::Template before, and enjoyed it.  The problem is that I am trying to
create an all-emcompassing email form script that does EVERYTHING.  Our
current setup is that we have header and footer files for each and ever
page, read in by.... yup SSI.  So, when I have this script print out a
page I am having it read in the appropriate header and footer files and
throw them up on the page as well.  So far everything is working great. 
It's just that one if statement that is not working....
Any other ideas?  :P

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