Alex Brelsfoard wrote:
I would like to create a form (html) that...give[s] the user
an option to select a directory from their hard drive.  Much like the
<input type="file"....> option, only with this I want to select a

I think you're out of luck. You could always have a simple text box to allow the user to enter the directory path, but I don't think a "file"-type input box will allow you to select a directory, and this functionality is controlled by the browser.

Once that directory is selected and the form submitted I then plan on
reading in the names of each file.

You seem to be assuming the browser will send you the list of file names, if the user selects a directory, or that you somehow have access to the client's file system from the server where your code is running. Unless your setup involves a web server running on the same machine as the web browser, this is unlikely.

So even if you had the list of file names in the directory, there wouldn't be anything you'd be able to do with those files.

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