On Tue, 2004-12-07 at 16:31, Alex Brelsfoard wrote:
> Wow, well it's good to see we're all on the same page.  Three replies all
> suggesting the same option...... zipped files.  Yeah.... here's the trick.
>  I'm trying to make this process easier for my mother, not myself.  So in
> the end, this is adding another layer...  So, if I don't want to do the
> zipped files idea (which is a kinda snazzy idea btw)

Why not? If she is using XP, then, IIRC, she can zip up a directory as a
right click option (been a while). WinZip, properly installed, should
also provide a click-menu way of compressing a directory. You might have
to experiment with configurations to get the right zip
settings/unzipping commands to cooperate at both ends, but since it's
you and your mother, I expect you have a fair amount of control over
that aspect. But if you like the concept, I'd be surprised if an hour or
two experimentation didn't find a workable method, even for your mother.
Anyone know if there is a MS version of stuffit?

> > On Tue, Dec 07, 2004 at 02:13:16PM -0600, Alex Brelsfoard wrote:
> > You could use Java applets or MS ActiveX (or whatever it's called now) for
> > multiple uploads. Otherwise, you're stuck with uploading single files.

The very idea of giving a web browser the power to browse my directory
tree and upload files I didn't explicitly indicate gives me hives.
ActiveX == gaping security hole, JMHO

Sean Quinlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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