I think the developers of Perl 6 would do everybody a big favor by renaming 
it.   Calling it Perl 6 implies something that increasingly doesn't seem to 
be true, and inhibits interest in and active development of Perl 5.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Metro" <tmetro-boston...@vl.com>
To: "Ronald J Kimball" <r...@tamias.net>
Cc: "L-boston-pm" <boston-pm@mail.pm.org>
Sent: 05/06/2010 9:32 PM
Subject: Spam:*, Re: [Boston.pm] Perl 5 to Perl 6 evolution

Ronald J Kimball wrote:
> Tom Metro wrote:
>> It seems less and less likely that there will be a definitive cut-over
>> point where a pure Perl 6 code base will be released.
>> Instead is seems like they will asymptotically approach the Perl 6 spec
>> through incremental releases of Perl 5. That seems like a sound
>> strategy, but could make implementing internal architecture changes
>> rather challenging.
> I think you have some misconceptions about the relationship between Perl 5
> and Perl 6.  Perl 6 is essentially a new language that happens to
> share some history and syntax with Perl 1-5.

I realize that Perl 6, both from a language design and internal
architecture perspective, was always intended to be a ground-up redesign.

However, the ideals of a plan and the practical reality don't always
match up. There isn't exactly a production-ready Perl 6, or even
anything close to it, to make the case that a pure Perl 6 is a viable
alternative to evolving Perl 5.

I'd rather see the products of the Perl 6 "blue sky" design end up being
incorporated into Perl 5, than to have those ideas effectively shelved
waiting for a Perl 6 platform that may never adequately materialize.

> The ongoing development of Perl 5 is not aimed at implementing
> the Perl 6 spec.

That may not be the primary goal, but it seems to be what is happening
for the past few releases.


Tom Metro
Venture Logic, Newton, MA, USA
"Enterprise solutions through open source."
Professional Profile: http://tmetro.venturelogic.com/

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