On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 1:34 AM, Mitchell N Charity
<mchar...@vendian.org> wrote:

> [ Lots of good stuff snipped ]

Wow... thanks for putting these thoughts together. This was some very
interesting critical insight from a very different project perspective
than mine.

My own point of view is that of a typical, "practical" Perl hacker
whose community involvement hasn't gone deeper than applications of
the language, versus deconstruction and improvement of the language
itself. So I've been with the vast crowd who waited for a file named
perl-6_0_0.tar.gz to appear in the early part of the 2000s, stopped
hearing any clear news about an impeding release, and eventually got
bored and forgot about it.

In my case, recent developments have got me paying attention again,
but I can't blame the rest of the software-development world --
including, I imagine, most Perl programmers -- to consider Perl 6 a
forgotten failure. Certainly, if a project has a dearth of developers,
it's not going to have much of a PR presence, either...

Anyway, when I apply the "skunkworks" label, this is my attempt to
summarize in a sentence how Perl 6 has changed its focus over the
years, and how I, as a daily grinder of Perl 5 code, benefit from it.
I hope it doesn't come across as sniffingly condescending!

> And then?  Is it any easier now than it was a decade ago to find people
> to do perlguts maintenance?  Is perl any less an increasingly obsolete
> and dying language?  (Seriously - Moose was having an impact some years
> back, but I'm no longer following perl closely enough to know.)[1]

I don't know from perlguts, so I'm not the implied target of your
question (and I would be curious to hear answers from those who are).
But just the same:

Perl -- from my perspective -- has enjoyed a small renaissance quite
recently by way of the Catalyst web framework (more correctly: the
Catalyst / Moose / DBIC web-development triumvirate). I discovered
Catalyst three years ago at a client's site, and it made me fall in
love with the language and its community all over again.

By way of Catalyst, I have been buying brand-new books about Perl,
spawning a handful of new Perl-based projects every year (several of
which pay my bills), and teaching Perl to programmers already
experienced in other languages. I find myself willingly hanging out on
IRC channels dedicated to specific Perl modules' discussion, for god's
sake. I haven't had this much enthusiasm for (or income from) Perl
hacking in quite some time.

I'm no language evangelist, and I don't know how far this killer-app
experiences are reflected across the landscape. But as far as I'm
concerned, Catalyst has given Perl one recent shot in the arm, and in
a field that has always been one of its home territories. And the
constant chatter in those IRC channels suggests I'm not alone in
finding it so.

> [1] http://blogs.perl.org/users/jt_smith/2010/04/the-second-age-of-perl.html
via HN today.

Ha ha... only noticed that link _after_ blorting out all the tl;dr
above. And it doesn't mention Catalyst once!

( I am tempted to also point at the uptick in job postings, versus
same-month 2009, on http://jobs.perl.org/about/stats, but given the
up-n-down(-n-up) economy it's probably not a very good standalone
measure. )

Jason McIntosh

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