At Stardate 20030610.1315, Jim wrote:

Now, fascist and list-dictator that you are, you gave Erik NO warnings and not even 5 minutes to express his opinions, you just dictatorially banned him. And his actions were much less than misbehaviors that you have made REPEATEDLY. In fact, his actions were the obvious direct result of YOUR misbehavior of spamming people. So you banned Erik for your misbehavior and ego. The perfect sign of an evil tyrant.

Fellow list members, I think we can hope that Jeroen will learn that spamming people is wrong and stop. He has received repeated polite requests to do so. Erik demonstrated to him what it feels like to get spammed with email you don't want. Maybe Jeroen will learn his lesson. We can hope.

But if not, I suggest we hold in reserve a plan to start a NEW Brin-L, one which is run by a tolerant list owner who doesn't suppress the opinions of people he disagrees with, someone who doesn't spam 100's of people, someone who doesn't use his listowner powers to steal lists of email addresses and then spam those people depsite their requests for him to stop, someone who doesn't hack into people's servers, and someone who does not make death threats to non-violent people like John Giorgis and Jon Gabriel. Someone who doesn't drag all their mental problems with them into the list. I think we deserve a list that isn't ruled by an insane dictator.


Your post constitutes a personal attack against an other list member. In accordance with the Etiquette Guidelines, you hereby receive a formal warning to immediately cease this behaviour. Failure to comply may result in your removal from this list.

Jeroen van Baardwijk, Listowner

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