Jeffco stores soon to require fingerprints for all check and credit card
by 9NEWS reporter Ginger Delgado, edited by Web Producer Paola Farer
October 02, 2002 - 7:59 AM 

JEFFERSON COUNTY - You'll soon have to provide a fingerprint to go
shopping in Jefferson County. Consumers using checks or credit cards will
have to give their prints to merchants.

It's a new tactic aimed at cracking down on identity theft and catching
crooks who use fake IDs. Already, people cashing payroll checks at King
Soopers have to give a fingerprint

The touch pads are easy to use and don't leave residue on your finger.
Police agencies say the policy has resulted in less check fraud. They are
now asking all merchants in the county to require fingerprints. 

"The important thing about this to remember is that it doesn't put an
honest customer's fingerprint into a database somewhere,” said Sgt.
George Hinkle. “The only people that are actually going to have their
fingerprints processed are the crooks."

The fingerprints will be kept on file until the transactions clear. If
there's a problem, the prints will be passed along to investigators. The
new policy will take effect throughout Jefferson County in the next few


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