At 14:33 04-10-2002 -0400, Jon Gabriel wrote:

>>Fine with me. I really do not have the time for this anyway; this Monday 
>>I have my "Systems Development I" exam (the fourth exam for my CompSci 
>>degree), so most of my time will go into studying today and this weekend.
>I know how important the degree is to you.  Good luck!
>I would, of course, like to hear your response to my posts when you're 
>done. We'll still be here when you finish. :)

What, you already know that you (plural) will all still be here three years 
from now?

Or did you mean "when you finish your exam" rather than "when you get your 
degree"?   :-)

>GSV Remember, Windows Blue Screen of Death = Bad :))

I am somewhat surprised that I still have not found a hack for that. You 
know, something that replaces the regular BSoD with the Apple logo or the 
message "Time to switch to Linux!".   <GRIN>

Jeroen "And now, back to studying" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:         


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