>From: "J. van Baardwijk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Intellectual output from the Arab World
>Date: Fri, 04 Oct 2002 11:16:23 +0200
>At 01:30 04-10-2002 -0400, Jon Gabriel wrote:
>>:-) What was it you had posted to the list incessantly a few months ago?
>>"I'm still waiting for Jeroen to post proof and documentation to these 
>>accusations?"  You'd think I'd remember it better from having seen it a 
>>few hundred times. :-)
>Since you remember that, you will also remember that the person asked to 
>provide proof and answers consistently refused to do so. You will then also 
>remember that pretty much everyone on this list held the opinion that there 
>was nothing wrong with this consistent refusal.

Sadly, I really couldn't tell what the rest of the list thought.  I started 
deleting list e-mails en masse when you began maliciously mailbombing the 
list with the same phrase written over and over and over and over and over 
and over... well, you get the idea.  His actions were childish and immature 
-- my four-year old niece has better manners than to taunt people, but _you_ 
didn't dignify yourself either.  _Both_ of you clearly showed that you cared 
less about other people here than satisfying your own egos.

I have cited this unfortunate time not as a personal attack, but to point 
out that _you_ have now been asked to provide proof and answers.  You have 
not yet done so.  You are also now making it seem like you have no intention 
of backing up your statements with documentation.  The analogy could an 
appropriate one.  The ball is in your court.  I'm perfectly comfortable 
waiting until after your exam to see you backup your claims with some valid 
sources.  But ignore me and/or post more unsubstantiated claims and your 
position will still be wrong.

>And if you remember that, then you will also remember that since that time, 
>the policy of this list is that nobody is required to back any claims with 
>any proof.

Now, I may have been deleting e-mails en masse, but for the record, to my 
knowledge this has not in any way EVER been official policy here on the 
Brin-L list.  I have seen no memo changing the nature of the etiquette 
guidelines in such a manner.  This is a conclusion you drew about the list, 
and as far as I can tell it applies to only one incident.  If you disagree 
with me, please post the relevant section of the etiquette guidelines that 
says that '.the policy of this list is that nobody is required to back any 
claims with any proof' . Otherwise, you're wrong.  It's not list policy.  
Please acknowledge your error publicly or prove I'm wrong by posting the 
relevant section of the etiquette guidelines.

>>Oh, and by the way, if you feel inclined, I'd really love to see you 
>>provide further documentation that the authors and publishers of the eight 
>>dictionaries whose definitions were posted to the list are biased and 
>>members of the "pro-Israel" crowd.
>Certainly in the case of American authors and publishers, such a bias 
>cannot be entirely ruled out. America in general is, after all, very 
>pro-Israel, has a large Jewish community, and is in fact the only friend 
>Israel has in the world.

Show me the sources and documentation that back up your claims.  Otherwise, 
your _opinions_ can carry no weight.

>>Jeroen, if you can't prove me wrong, then second-guessing my motives 
>>rather than disproving my accuracy is a rather pathetic alternative to 
>>admitting your own mistake, wouldn't you say?
>If you are looking for a something pathetic, read The Fool's post ("Date: 
>Thu, 3 Oct 2002 21:24:58 -0500"). Now *that* is pathetic.

Who cares about the Fool?  My point still stands.  You are second-guessing 
my motives because your arguments can't be backed up with documentation.  I 
invite you to _prove_ me wrong.

GSV Stop Dissembling and Document Your Opinions

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