Julia Thompson wrote:
> There was something from DB at some point about why the dogs weren't
> part of the uplifted species on Earth.  Something about them being
> uplifted to where they could finally open doors, and then door
> technology changed drastically, and this affected their emotional
> well-being or something.  If anyone could provide the exact quote, or
> tell where it is for interested parties to look up, that would be
> great.  

        Sorry if this was already answered.  I believe that the
quote was from "Gorilla my Dreams", a short and very pun-filled 
satire of the uplift novels which David Brin used to have on his
website.  It does not seem to be there any more, though.
        As I recall, the neodogs were suffering from some sort
of acute depression.  They had finally mastered door knobs, only
to have them rendered obsolete by psionic locks.

                                        ---David Hobby

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