I don't know if this is covered in the series, but once you start
uplifting species where do you stop?  If you uplift dogs, why not cats?
Why not squids?  (They're smarter than you think).  In fact, why not
uplift cock roaches?  Of course you'd have to make them bigger so their
head could hold a bigger brain.  But once they achieved intelligence and
we could reason with them, maybe humans would get over being disgusted
by them.  (Or not.)

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:brin-l-bounces@;mccmedia.com]
On Behalf Of Alberto Monteiro
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 7:27 AM
Subject: Re: Dogs and Uplift

Jeroen wrote: 
> The quote is indeed from "Gorilla, My Dreams". It is available at  
> www.brin-l.com (Path: David Brin | Essays & Articles | Gorilla, 
> My Dreams). 
He is really a (very evil) (Evil Overlord). Usually we  
don't see someone writing a book and its own parody.  
I nicknamed this "Gorilla, My Dreams" as  
"The Hitchhiker Guide to the Five Galaxies" O:-) 
Alberto Monteiro 


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