At 09:58 04-11-2002 -0600, Julia Thompson wrote:

Is putting graffiti on a wall a felony there, then?  I think that that
would probably fall under the category of "misdemeanor" here.
Misdemeanors don't affect your ability to vote, and probably don't
affect your ability to hold most jobs. A felony is a more serious crime.
Putting graffiti on a wall is probably "only" a misdemeanour here as well. You are not sent to prison for it, but will be usually be sentenced to a number of hours of community service -- and it the case of graffiti "artists", that usually means *removing* graffiti from walls. <GRIN>

But anyway, I only used that example to point out that relatively small acts of wrongdoing usually do not have any really serious consequences later in life.

Do you have any classification distinction between sorts of crimes like
that, or not?  Just curious.
We do; the classification is pretty much similar to the classification in the US, although there might be a few differences wrt whether a specific act is considered a misdemeanour or a crime, or even a form of criminal behaviour at all.

Jeroen "Justice for all" van Baardwijk

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