"J. van Baardwijk" wrote:
> At 14:42 01-11-2002 -0500, Jon Gabriel wrote:
> >Can convicted felons work for the Dutch Defense Ministry, and why or why not?
> Of course, there will be a few variables at play then, such as what you did
> wrong and when you did it. A sentence of 40 hours of community service you
> received 10 years ago for putting some graffiti on a wall is not likely to
> cause any problems with getting a job. If your criminal record lists gun
> violence, you will probably not get a job in which you will have access to
> weapons. Someone convicted for fraud will probably not get a job with DEFAC
> (Defense Finance & Accounting) either. A criminal record will probably also
> have an effect on your Security Clearance level.

Is putting graffiti on a wall a felony there, then?  I think that that
would probably fall under the category of "misdemeanor" here. 
Misdemeanors don't affect your ability to vote, and probably don't
affect your ability to hold most jobs. A felony is a more serious crime.

Do you have any classification distinction between sorts of crimes like
that, or not?  Just curious.


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