At 01:15 PM 11/9/2002 -0600 Horn, John wrote:
>> From: John D. Giorgis [mailto:jxg9@;]
>> Would you accept hardware instead of an engagement ring?
>Wouldn't that be awfully hard to wear on your finger...?

Yes, but I know at least one woman who hates wearing things on her fingers
- especially since she is always playing with them - and she once told me
that she has no idea what she'll do once its time for her to get married. :)

John D. Giorgis         -               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
People everywhere want to say what they think; choose who will govern
them; worship as they please; educate their children -- male and female;
 own property; and enjoy the benefits of their labor. These values of 
freedom are right and true for every person,  in every society -- and the 
duty of protecting these values against their enemies is the common 
calling of freedom-loving people across the globe and across the ages.
                -US National Security Policy, 2002

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