> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Erik Reuter


> > Good lord, an innovative technique, including coming up with a
> > radically new design, building and testing hardware, all within a
> > year?
> If they spent 6 hours per day working and it took two years, then yes,
> it is likely it could be done in one year if they spent 12 hours.

Ever heard this expression?  "Nine women can't make a baby in one month."

You're over-simplifying things to an extraordinary degree.  People need
rest, recreation, relaxation to be creative.  On the other hand, for some of
us, lack of sleep, too many carbs and caffeine have a tendency to make us
altogether *too* creative.  But our brains are wired a bit differently from
most.  Speaking totally from personal experience, I absolutely know that I'm
less effective if I try to put in long hours, day after day.  And if I let
the spiritual part of my life slide, I'm less effective at everything.  You
think I'm kidding myself about my faith; I think you're kidding yourself
about the nature of human beings.  I'm not sure there much chance we'll
persuade each other to believe otherwise.  But I have faith that you may.



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