> From: Jim Sharkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The Fool wrote:
> >C. I am not preventing anyone from enslaving their mind to idiocy,
> >F. I think forcing a way of life/thinking on someone else is wrong. 
> And yet the title of this thread from the very beginning is "religion
is evil, why it must be eradicated."  Seems to me that if you had your
druthers, religion would be done away with, both for the Pat Robertsons
and Bin Laden of the world and for the average person down the street
that just likes God.
> If that is the case, than wouldn't you be forcing your view on them? 
I'm just trying to get where your coming from here, because it seems a
bit contradictory.

No I am not forcing my views on everyone.  I just think that religious
views are wrong.  Irrationality is never right.

> If you hate religion because it has though police, but you are willing
to forbid others from following it, how can we take your positions on
free speech seriously?  You say you aren't preventing anyone from
enslaving their minds to idiocy, but you're also saying their idiocy
should be eliminated.  Am I misreading you here?

I advocate logic.  Religion is illogical.  I want people to understand
just how illogical their idiocy is.  I want people who undertand that
religion is idiocy, to stop having religion and stop trying to force
idiocy on other people.


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