--- The Fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I advocate logic.  Religion is illogical.  I want
> people to understand
> just how illogical their idiocy is.  I want people
> who undertand that
> religion is idiocy, to stop having religion and stop
> trying to force idiocy on other people.

Do you know how many people believe in a Divinity and
have no interest in 'forcing it' on anyone? Who in
fact believe that the very notion of "forced worship"
is as oxymoronic as "dark brightness," and actually
ascribe to the 'live and let live' school of thought?

Many human pursuits are illogical - love, golf and
football come to mind <VBG!> - but that doesn't mean
they are unworthy endeavors.

By 'religion' do you mean only an organized
institution, or are you lumping together
'spirituality' or 'spiritual life' under that word? 
If the latter, that is inaccurate, as many spiritual
people have nothing to do with any organized religion.
 And while there is no question that fanatic
fundamentalists of any flavor have done - and continue
to do - a great deal of physical and emotional harm
around the world, it is equally silly to deny the good
that some religious organizations have done.

(Since I'm familiar with Lutheran World Relief, I'm
using them.)  From their website:

"LWR shares aid on the basis of need now, and forges
long-term partnerships for the road ahead. Poor
communities and refugees receive assistance from LWR
as they work to secure:

Water, food - for today and next year 
Health care, clothing, shelter, warmth 
Literacy, education, skills training 
Strong, representative community organizations
Full participation of women / A voice for the poor 

In obedience to God and for the sake of the world,
Lutheran World Relief lives by these core values:

Faith is Active in Love
God Gives All People Dignity
We Serve With Partners
We Make Good Use of God's Gifts
We Work for Justice and Peace"

Their financial statements, available on-site, show
that only ~5% of the money taken in goes to
administrative/fundraising activities; the rest goes
to actual relief programs.  The BBB also has their
finances for the year ending 9/01:

A veterinarian friend who works with the Heifer
(and is almost militantly atheist) was impressed that
the LWR people she worked with in the field (Zimbabwe,
China) did no proselytizing, although they would
answer 'Because it pleases God that I do this work'
when asked why they were helping (and I'm sure would
elaborate if the questioner asked more).

?Former Seminarian Maru

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