At 09:57 PM 11/27/02 +0100, Sonja van Baardwijk-Holten wrote:
"Ronn! Blankenship" wrote:

> I think Julia did not take a good look at the items I suggested. Might I
> suggest she click on the "See larger picture" link or read the reviewers'
> descriptions? (If she does, I think she will see why the shipping
> restrictions are not a problem . . . )

ROTFLMAO.... I missed it the first time I looked. But you maybe right. That might just be it. At least Jeroen can't do any major damage to the house or himself using those.

Either you or Julia one asked for suggestions of tools you could get for him that he could not hurt himself with, so I tried to comply . . .

On the other hand he would be hard pressed keeping Tom out of this kind of toolkit, seen the interest little Tom already developed for mamies grown ups toolbox..... <grin>

Solution: get one for each. At $19.95US per set¹, two of them would still cost only about half as much as I paid for my Dremel™ kit, and should then keep _both_ kids out of your hair while you're working . . .

¹Which should have been a clue—to Julia at least (I recognize that Sonja might not be as familiar with the value of US currency)—that this was NOT a regular 45-piece set of power tools . . .

I still wonder how they can measure the shipping weight to a fraction of a milligram . . .

--Ronn! :)

I always knew that I would see the first man on the Moon.
I never dreamed that I would see the last.
--Dr. Jerry Pournelle


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