----- Original Message -----
From: "Russell Chapman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 1:25 AM
Subject: Re: Internet Free Speech struck down by Australian court

> The Fool wrote:
> >http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2002/12/10/1039379819086.html
> >
> >Gutnick wins right to have Web libel case heard in Vic
> >Canberra
> >December 10 2002
> >
> Why is having a defamation case heard in the jurisdiction of the
> distribution and consumption of the material, where it coincides with
> the alledged victim's domicile striking down free speech?
> It still has to go to court, Dow Jones is a professional publishing
> house, and a story about Gutnick could reasonably expected to be
> targeted to include an Australian audience...
> Has there ever been free speech in publishing?

That is the foundation of free speech in the US.  IIRC, Jefferson said, If
I had to choose between  newspapers and no government or government and no
newspapers, I'd choose the former.  (Implied in this was the freedom to

The difficulty is as defined in the coverage.  By the High Courts ruling,
an article published on the internet concerning the connections between
Saudi princes and terrorism could be tried in Saudi courts.

What are the odds on the New York Times winning their case?  Slim and None,
and Slim is heading out the door.

Dan M.


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