> From: Marvin Long, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

> Me too.  (Everybody together: D-V-D, D-V-D, D-V-D....)

Why is everyone positive that there will be an "Extended Edition DVD" for
_The Two Towers_?  Has Peter Jackson said for a fact that there will be one?
For some reason, I thought that the FOTR one was the exception not the rule.
But I'm not sure where I got that idea...

BTW, I now understand better the change in Faramir.  The Ring is much more
malvolent and active in Jackson's version.  Even Aragorn was greatly tempted
by it and had to send Frodo away in order to be certain he would resist it.
If Faramir had resisted as he had in the book, he would have been *better*
than Aragorn.  By making this change, Faramir seems somewhere in between
Aragorn and Boromir.  (I'm still not sure I like it but I can understand

  - jmh

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