At 09:54 PM 1/4/03 -0600, Robert Seeberger wrote:

Abandoning all sense of reality, the 'all-knowing' anti-God element of
science continues to insult all reason with the noxious claim that the earth
and all other bodies in the cosmos were brought into being by a " big
bang" - necessarily a random, unplanned explosion or similar occurrence.

Undying fame awaits the scientist who can bring about a random explosion and
produce an established sense-of-order within any of its debris.  When asked
what brought about the perfect and unending relationship between earth, sun
and moon, they are left either blank or with some far-out tale of
possibilities.  How and why the 'big bang' resulted in only one earth,
endowed with atmosphere, water and multitudinous forms of life are also
beyond their explanation.  For decades they have been desperately seeking
for any sign of life or condition supporting life, as we know it, totally
without success, elsewhere.

The pig-headed scientist who refuses to admit reality is really just a
pathetic creature of the pathetic anti-God clan, which seems to now infest
the institutes of higher learning of this nation.  One must wonder whether
one of its more-opinionated number, the late Carl Sagan, of Cornell, I
believe, is now enjoying his new abode.  Indeed, I hope he is.


That conservatives tolerate, and even openly encourage such crap is the main
reason I would never vote republican. I can appreciate and even agree with
(sometimes) conservative criticisms of the left, but the openly willful
ignorance and the acceptance of such stupidity really piss me off.

I cant see myself taking conservatives seriously when they allow themselves
to be represented by such morons.

The only problem with that approach is that the right/conservatives/Republicans has no monopoly on making stupid statements in public. If one chooses to not vote for a particular party because _some_ of its representatives are morons (or at least appear to be, based upon some of their remarks), one is going to be hard-pressed to find a political party to vote for at all . . .

And, FWIW, one person can both believe in God and have done award¹-winning scientific research on the topic of life elsewhere in the Universe, frex:

-- Ronn! :)

Ronn Blankenship
Instructor of Astronomy/Planetary Science
University of Montevallo
Montevallo, AL

Disclaimer: Unless specifically stated otherwise, any opinions contained herein are the personal opinions of the author and do not represent the official position of the University of Montevallo.

¹Further Disclaimer: It was a really small award.


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