----- Original Message -----
From: "Ronn! Blankenship" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2003 12:10 AM
Subject: Re: A Problem For Conservatives

> At 09:54 PM 1/4/03 -0600, Robert Seeberger wrote:
> >http://www.newsmax.com/adv/poist.shtml
> >
> ><Quote>
> >Abandoning all sense of reality, the 'all-knowing' anti-God element of
> >science continues to insult all reason with the noxious claim that the
> >and all other bodies in the cosmos were brought into being by a " big
> >bang" - necessarily a random, unplanned explosion or similar occurrence.
> >
> >Undying fame awaits the scientist who can bring about a random explosion
> >produce an established sense-of-order within any of its debris.  When
> >what brought about the perfect and unending relationship between earth,
> >and moon, they are left either blank or with some far-out tale of
> >possibilities.  How and why the 'big bang' resulted in only one earth,
> >endowed with atmosphere, water and multitudinous forms of life are also
> >beyond their explanation.  For decades they have been desperately seeking
> >for any sign of life or condition supporting life, as we know it, totally
> >without success, elsewhere.
> >
> >The pig-headed scientist who refuses to admit reality is really just a
> >pathetic creature of the pathetic anti-God clan, which seems to now
> >the institutes of higher learning of this nation.  One must wonder
> >one of its more-opinionated number, the late Carl Sagan, of Cornell, I
> >believe, is now enjoying his new abode.  Indeed, I hope he is.
> >
> ></Quote>
> >
> >That conservatives tolerate, and even openly encourage such crap is the
> >reason I would never vote republican. I can appreciate and even agree
> >(sometimes) conservative criticisms of the left, but the openly willful
> >ignorance and the acceptance of such stupidity really piss me off.
> >
> >I cant see myself taking conservatives seriously when they allow
> >to be represented by such morons.
> The only problem with that approach is that the
> right/conservatives/Republicans has no monopoly on making stupid
> in public.  If one chooses to not vote for a particular party because
> _some_ of its representatives are morons (or at least appear to be, based
> upon some of their remarks), one is going to be hard-pressed to find a
> political party to vote for at all . . .

Stupid statements are forgivable. Its the pandering (on a regular basis) to
ignorance that I find offensive.
I listen to a lot of conservative radio and read conservative sites
regularly in search of news.
Polemics I can deal with, and really, I rejoice in the diversity of opinion
I find.
It irks me greatly the conservative bent for promotion of
anti-intelectualism. I can understand some criticism being healthy, but way
way way too many conservatives latch on to these idiot screeds only (at
least I hope only) because it promotes their aims, completely disregarding
the damage it does.

> And, FWIW, one person can both believe in God and have done awardą-winning
> scientific research on the topic of life elsewhere in the Universe, frex:
Pretty much exactly my point.
I'm just sick of conservatives giving voice to luddite morons and pretending
it to be virtue.

Exorcism Maru
You are a fluke of the universe.
You have no right to be here.
And whether you can hear it or not,
the universe is laughing behind your back.


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