----- Original Message -----
From: "John D. Giorgis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: A Problem For Conservatives

> At 12:49 AM 1/5/2003 -0600 Robert Seeberger wrote:
> >Pretty much exactly my point.
> >I'm just sick of conservatives giving voice to luddite morons and
> >it to be virtue.
> Given the existence of the 1st Amendment in this country, please provide a
> detailed memo to, quote, "conservatives" on how to, quote, stop "giving
> voice to luddite morons."
> That is, given a group of people who favor lower taxes, smaller
> restrictions on abortion, general public ownership of firearms, a strong
> national defense and scientific research and proclaim themselves to be
> "conservatives" - and a second group of people who also favor lower taxes,
> smaller government, restrictions on abortion, general public ownership of
> firearms, a strong national defense, and the teaching of creationism - how
> exactly does the former group monopolize the term "conservatives" from the
> latter group?

Thats really a good question John. I mean really good.  I myself wonder why
the most visible face that conservatism presents, that is, the one *I* see
most regularly, most clearly, not only tolerates the kind of wackiness I'm
ranting about, but seems to actually embrace it and present it as a virtue
of the faithful.
In my interior monologue (as opposed to what I may present in public), I
tend to respect the beliefs of "right-to-lifers". Why? I recognise that one
can come to that same conclusion independent of religious dogma. Its an
honest attitude.

But creationists and their ilk are either ignorant Authoritarians or lying
Authoritarians. Further, I believe they are a great danger to our freedoms
and liberties as long as they are given voice and can inform policy
decisions. We have had to rely heavily on the courts to protect us and I
really believe that is a bad habit we need to break.

I suppose it was at one time a matter of political expediency that caused
conservatives to ally themselves with fringe elements of the religious
right, but at this point it seems to me that conservatism has been infected
with memes that will eventually undo them if rationalism prevails.

The funny thing about it is that one would expect conservatives to *be* the
rational pragmatics as opposed to the irrational dogmatics.

>   Additionally, would the former group be rational if it
> decided to do so?
Absolutely! The best knowledge on earth precludes 6 or 7 day creation that
biblical literalists contend for. Why hang on to dogma that cannot possibly
be true? It certainly didnt help the Soviets.

Rant Cycle Maru
You are a fluke of the universe.
You have no right to be here.
And whether you can hear it or not,
the universe is laughing behind your back.


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