On 14 Jan 2003 at 22:20, Steve Sloan II wrote:

> Deborah Harrell wrote:
> > True.  Frex, would I advocate killing (lethal injection,
> > say) a comatose stroke victim who best medical judgement
> > and experience calls "essentially terminal?" No. Would I
> > advise withholding nutrition and drugs, except what seemed
> > needful for comfort? Yes. If on a ventilator, is stopping
> > mechanical breathing ethical from a medical POV?  Yes.
> Is starving that patient any more ethical than administering
> a comparatively quick and painless lethal injection? I
> honestly don't know, but the idea of slowly starving that
> patient -- even with drugs to prevent him from feeling the
> pain of starvation -- makes me feel pretty squeamish.

I don't see how it can be called ethical, no.

Let's say that my differences with "conventional" medical "ethics" 
are a LARGE part of the reason why I gave up being a genetics 
student. (and yes, I *DO* feel I wasted over two years of my life 
studying it. There we go..)

Dawn Falcon


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