On 28 Jan 2003 at 16:05, The Fool wrote:

> http://www.breakyourchains.org/aol_blocking.htm
> AOL has been blocking access to this website. In fact, AOL has been
> blocking adults from this website. America Online is a prime example

This also isn't new. And ou can get round it by using your own web browser
which frankly any net-savvy AOL user will anyway. No, not a contradiction
in terms - AOL is the only UK unmetered 56K ISP which dosn't throw people
off every 2 hours for anything LIKE a reasonable price. And Anti-Idle will
auto-click those annoying "stay connected" pop-ups.

AFAIK port 25 blocking is worse as it's MUCH, MUCH harder  for the average
user to work round and denying people the right to use the E-mail client of
their choice irks me intensely. (my soloution is PostCast Server which as
it happens I like so much I continue to use with broadband today).

Dawn Falcon


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