On 31 Jan 2003 at 2:19, William T Goodall wrote:

> on 30/1/03 11:27 pm, Andrew Crystall at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
> > On 30 Jan 2003 at 22:24, William T Goodall wrote:
> >>> And let me restate - all the "home" deals for dial-up access in
> >>> the UK kick you off every 2 hours, and they kick you off the *ISP
> >>> entirely* if in any 24 hour rolling period you're connected for
> >>> more than 12 hours. The ONLY exception is AOL.
> >> 
> >> Demon doesn't either. See
> >> http://www.demon.net/products/access/standard.shtml
> > 
> > "***Demon uses 0845 numbers on the Standard Dial Up account.
> > 0845 numbers are described by Oftel as "local call rate". BT charges
> > these at local call rates "
> This would be new since I went onto broadband a few months ago. BT
> wholesale must be enforcing the same limits on all the ISPs who use
> its surftime packages as it applies to its own branded ones. [1]

Actually no. The laws of economics are - most ISP's have a contention 
ratio of between 12 and 15 to 1 on their free-dial services, believe 
it or not...

> The question is, do you want to rely on a loss-making subsidised
> service from a company that lost $100,000,000,000 (A hundred billion
> dollars) or do you want something that will still be there next week ?
> :) [2]

Freeserve have ALLWAYS run at a loss...

> [1] And you can still get surftime tariffs via Demon.
> [2] I thought the 'give it away free and make money somehow' internet
> bubble burst a long time ago. Mind you AOL-Time Warner has a *lot*
> less than nothing to lose :) 


AOL can afford to lose on the dial-up game, same as Freeserve. Me, 
I'm a broadband guy now. The extra £~12 a month and £60 setup* is 
more than justified to me in terms of increased productivity.

(*I have both a 4-port ethernet broadand router which is currently 
back at parents house being used and the PCI ADSL card I'm currently 
using, so hardware costs are moot.)

Dawn Falcon


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