From: "Halupovich Ilana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: god and the shuttle
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 09:17:14 +0200

Did somebody hear of "Bible Code" ? It's reading Bible by skipping same
amount of letters each time.
IMHO it helps that here are virtually no vowels (sp) in Hebrew. I got
picture showing that Columbia disaster was written. (Of course I also
saw that Rabin's murder, 11-Oct and Holocaust). Everyone can and will
believe in whatever he wants and it's OK as long as he does not try to
force his belief on others.
There were infomercials for the Bible Code running on US tv for a while that were put out by (I think) Baptists. The producers had used the Bible Code program to find all sorts of phrases and names and were using them to explain and predict current events (and by extension justify their political agendas.) Quite a convincing presentation, especially if you were already inclined to believe in the accuracy of what they were showing and were also willing to accept that the old and new testaments are an acrosstic.

If the same program were applied to say, War and Peace, you'd probably find tons of mysterious hidden words throughout the text. Just because we perceive a pattern or meaning doesn't mean it's been placed there deliberately or is anything more than coincidence or wishful thinking.

In my personal experience, the phrase "it's OK as long as he does not try to force his belief on others" is a path rarely travelled. I am friendly with two Christian missionaries. Forcing one's beliefs on others is a way of life for some people.


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