Jon Gabriel wrote:

> There were infomercials for the Bible Code running on US tv for a while that
> were put out by (I think) Baptists.  The producers had used the Bible Code
> program to find all sorts of phrases and names and were using them to
> explain and predict current events (and by extension justify their political
> agendas.)  Quite a convincing presentation, especially if you were already
> inclined to believe in the accuracy of what they were showing and were also
> willing to accept that the old and new testaments are an acrosstic.
> If the same program were applied to say, War and Peace, you'd probably find
> tons of mysterious hidden words throughout the text.  Just because we
> perceive a pattern or meaning doesn't mean it's been placed there
> deliberately or is anything more than coincidence or wishful thinking.

Thank you for the link.  Very good article.  (Anyone interested in the Bible
Code, check it out!)

I consider the Bible Code to be in the same class as numerology, which I
rank at *best* one step above astrology.  (And I've seen someone more
whacked out on numerology than I've ever seen anyone whacked out on
astrology, but I know I haven't seen the worst cases of astrology out

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