Jon Gabriel wrote:

Hi Doug,
I haven't been changing anybody's answers. If someone mentioned that
they liked or wanted to vote for a particular novel I've just been
adding it to the tally.
Frex: Ilana mentioned that she liked some 5 or 6 novels (I think) in her
post. They're all in there.
I thought perhaps if I (or anyone else) took this on as a long-term
multi-book project that we would have a list to work from. Or it might
be better to re-vote when Earth is completed....
Of course, if you want me to remove your vote for HotC, I will. :)

8^) Looks like Earth is starting to pull away with Zim's vote. Which is good because I haven't heard anyone volunteer to do Glory Season anyway. Maybe I'll give HotC a go when (and if ) we finish this one.



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