Jon Gabriel wrote:

> If I were you, I wouldn't personally assume that many/most Jews are atheists
> unless I had more than anecdotal evidence to back it up.  I don't mean this
> unkindly.  I just think the blanket statement was inaccurate.

Many Jews are atheists, or agnostic.  I wouldn't say "most" without some
harder evidence.  ("Most" technically means "at least 50%.  "Many" can mean
a whole host of things, depending on the situation or context.)

My personal anecdotal experience is that, of the Jews I've met, 30-40% were
atheist/agnostic and the rest practiced their religion to some degree or
another, some of them a lot less than others.  But I've met only a very
small fraction of all the Jews in the world, so my anecdotal experience
probably isn't accurate; and the circumstances under which I met various
Jews may have skewed the sample one way or the other.


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