At 07:56 PM 2/21/03 -0500, Jon Gabriel wrote:
From: "Gary L. Nunn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Killer Bs Discussion'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: The even further decline of the Sci-Fi channel....
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2003 19:49:04 -0500

> Maybe they should replace him "The Animal Psychic" from Animal Planet? > > JJ

Oh dear God! Nick, be sure to eradicate this thread from the archives, we don't want to give the Sci-Fi channel any ideas.

My daughter watches the pet Psychic and last week she had a Cockatoo
that would not breed. The Pet Psychic's "reading" was that the Cockatoo
wanted it's owner to know that it (the Cockatoo) was gay.  The Pet
Psychic had that look on her face of 'I can't believe it's not butter".

What in the world would the scientific term for that be? Can't be 'homosexual'. Aviosexual? Cockasexual?

Although "The Cockatoo" might be a good name for a gay bar. :)

Somehow, "The Gay Cockatoo" seems to flow even better . . .

-- Ronn! :)

Almighty Ruler of the all,
Whose Power extends to great and small,
Who guides the stars with steadfast law,
Whose least creation fills with awe,
O grant thy mercy and thy grace,
To those who venture into space.

(Robert A. Heinlein's added verse to the Navy Hymn)


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