The Fool wrote:
See above.

Looking above, I see that you posted an article which stated that the vomeronasal organ was vestigial in humans and that humans "have no or very little ability to detect pheromones." Jan said that this was incorrect. I posted an article showing that a recent study proves that humans can detect pheromones. Your reply included the statement "the organ can change the timing of ovulation to match other females, and somewhat to match males. It serves no other known purpose" in spite of the fact that the article I posted also stated that male pheremones affect female mood. Here's a further excerpt from the article at

In addition to the endocrine effects, the women also had differences in mood. Based
on a questionnaire the women filled out after each administration of sweat or ethanol,
researchers determined that the majority of the women were more relaxed and less
tense when exposed to sweat.

After you posted the article with incorrect information that humans can't detect pheromones, Jan said it was incorrect, you told Jan he was wrong, and I posted an article that showed he wasn't. What part of this don't you understand?

Reggie Bautista

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