Nick Arnett wrote:
Doug wrote:

I see our morals evolving before our very eyes, don't you?

The existence of evolution, whether in biology, morality or whatever, doesn't rule out the existence of God, does it?

No, not necessarily, but it trumps the need for any kind of faith to understand morality.

Who is the more intelligent creator, the one who creates things that cannot
evolve, or the one who creates those that can?  As a programmer, I'm quite
sure that writing evolutionary code is a lot harder than writing the static

That gives me the impression that you think we're some kind of science experiment. Do you think maybe he coded Stalin and Hitler in to see what would happen? How about the AIDS virus - some kind of debugging tool? I apologize for being a bit harsh, but if the creator is so intelligent that he can "code" an evolutionary species, why are there so many truly horrific bugs?



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