-------Original Message-------
From: Erik Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Saying that

  for hundreds or thousands of years, no one has publicized a repeatable
  experiment demonstrating the existence of some god, therefore, for all
  practical purposes, god does not exist

seems much closer to a scientific statement than a faith statement.

What about the "Divine Clockmaker" theory of God?   i.e. that God set the universe 
into motion with some kind of divine plan, but essentially does not interfere in 
day-to-day existence on Earth.  I believe that this theory is also compatible with 
belief in life-ever-after and salvation (but I'm sure Dan M. will correct me if I am 

I would characterize this theory of God as being "religious", and I also believe that 
most atheists would disagree with this theory.  Yet, doesn't disagreement with this 
theory require a measure of faith, as Jon has suggested?


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