--- Doug Pensinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Deborah Harrell wrote:
> > An Invisible Pink Unicorn.
> > But this is a false impression, as The Unicorn Who
> > Watches Over the World is *not* pink, but a
> silvery grey with 'blue roan'-type points.
> No its not!
> 8^)

Is too!...INFINITY!

It's fun to look back over your little created
universelet [I suspect the majority of listmembers
have made up their own worlds and wrote about them at
some point in their lives], and see "Oh, here I'd just
read _Black Beauty_ -- and yep, that's _Just So

My own sentient-horse-world (oh, what a surprise!)
began before first grade, and evolved from magic
horses to ones who'd been genetically engineered
(Andre Norton's _Breed To Come_, in sixth grade), and
their 'angel-equivalent unicorns' became the 'leaders
of the rebellion against the evil Controllers' - here
the Tolkien influence rises, WRT inventing a language,
a mythology etc. ... What fun!

Pink Is Fine For Roses Maru

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