--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The key is how the "adjusted for era" is made. Here
> is where subjective judgement mascarades as
> objective fact.  
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Bob, the whole purpose of sabermetric analysis is to
prevent that from happening.  The numbers are the
numbers.  No one makes these calculations with the
purpose of demonstrating that Pedro put the best
pitching season in modern history together a couple of
years ago - it just worked out that way.  But the
numbers are only wrong if pitching as a whole is
inferior now to that in the 1960s.  If that were true,
then pitching is the only athletic endeavor in the
entire world where that is the case.  Which is more
likely - that Pedro Martinez is more dominant than
Sandy Koufax, or that throwing a baseball 60'6" is
completely unlike every other athletic event on the

Why, for example, do you think it's subjective?  The
mound was lowered (IIRC) after the 1968 season. 
Scoring went up immediately, league-wide.  By a lot. 
Why is it impossible to, say, average scoring over the
five years _after_ the mound was lowered, compare it
to the scoring average of the five years _before_ the
mound was lowered, and (since there were no other
significant changes) say, see, lowering the mound
inflated scoring by 10%?  (I have no idea what the
real number is, I'm just pulling 10% out of a hat). 
Where's the subjectivity in that?

Another way to pose this question is - what could
convince you that Koufax _wasn't_ the best pitcher
ever?  I can tell you exactly what would convince me
that he was better than Pedro.  If we found out that
the defense for the Dodgers was significantly inferior
to that of the Red Sox - and we are heading in the
direction of being able to answer that question fairly
soon - then that evidence would go a long way towards
falsifying my belief.  What evidence would convince
you?  If Koufax's own personal testimony doesn't, what would?

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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