Ronn!Blankenship wrote:
At 09:57 PM 8/3/03 -0400, David Hobby wrote:

Where have you been? Everybody uses symbols differently, of course. But I saw many flying the flag who seemed to do so out of some mix of patriotism, jingoism and hate. (Anyway, they would say things like "Kill all Arabs!") When others have contaminated a symbol with things one does not believe in, one reasonable response is to avoid using the symbol. (Another is to attempt to "reclaim" it, but either should be fair.)

What's fair about the "others" contaminating a symbol I respect with things I don't believe in? IOW, why should I "fight fair" in defending the good aspects of a symbol if others do not fight fair in contaminating it?

I think that's pretty much what David is trying to say.



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