> No, David, you proved my much larger point.
> Congratulations, _you_ are the perfect example for why
> the left has no relevance to American politics today.
> You pegged it in one - I do say you're an extremist
> too.  If you really feel that it's reasonable to call
> the American flag a symbol of hatred - which you have
> just repeatedly said you do - you have just proven my
> larger point about the collapse of the left far better
> than I ever could.  Out of your own mouth.  I couldn't
> have _asked_ for a better post to make my point.
> =====
> Gautam Mukunda

        Yes, I feel it is reasonable to call the US flag a
"symbol of hatred", in the sense that many who wave it most
fervently do so partially out of hate.  You seem to have 
removed all of the modifiers from your restatement.
        For comparison, part of my original post is quoted

P.S.  Do you use "extremist" as more than a label for those you
disagree with?  If you define it as "more than 3 sigma from the
mean", or something, then we could continue this discussion.  But
if someone is an extremist just because you say so, I really have
no opportunity to reply.  

        Where have you been?  Everybody uses symbols differently,
of course.  But I saw many flying the flag who seemed to do so out
of some mix of patriotism, jingoism and hate.  (Anyway, they would
say things like "Kill all Arabs!")
        When others have contaminated a symbol with things one 
does not believe in, one reasonable response is to avoid using 
the symbol.  (Another is to attempt to "reclaim" it, but either
should be fair.)
        So her rhetoric is over-the-top, but her basic position
doesn't seem too far out.

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